Sheltering Arms Grand Opening - FASD Day 2021
On September 9th 2021 the NWR FASD Society held the grand opening of Sheltering Arms housing on International FASD Day.
Sheltering Arms 7-S Housing is the end result of a group of parents dream to have a supported living residence in the Mackenzie Region that would provide permanent or transitional supported housing for their children who were prenatally exposed to alcohol and in need of supports.
From this dream the Sheltering Arms 7-S Housing Model became a reality in 2016 and the NWR Fasd Society – Mackenzie Network moved into their own building in 2020. The Sheltering Arms 7-S Housing is one of the programs operated within the NWR FASD Buiding (Formerly Action North). This Supported Living Residence has four suites which each have a bedroom with their own private bathroom. There are two common areas. The common area attached to the suites is for residents and staff only and has a sitting area, staff office and programming space.
The second common area is where the kitchen, dining and a games/seating area are located. In this area more programming happens as well as where visits from friends and family take place.
Sheltering Arms 7-S Housing is unique in Canada because of the level of supports and programming provided for persons living with FASD. This program was originally a pilot project, but is now recognized in the “FASD World” as an emerging model for housing for persons living with FASD.