The Prevention Conversation
The Prevention Conversation is a provincial program that ensures that professionals, businesses and individuals within agencies and the community have the knowledge to share the importance of “Its safest not to drink alcohol during pregnancy” through 1/1 conversations with individuals.
No safe time. No safe kind. No safe amount.
No safe time. No safe kind. No safe amount.
Goals of the Prevention Conversation:
To ensure all agencies, communities and individuals are aware of the dangers/risks of substance use during pregnancy
To provide the language, skills and knowledge to professionals working with individuals in childbearing years to have the prevention conversation with them
To provide workshops/programs on the importance of substance free pregnancies to youth and young adults through the education system
Provide workshops in communities to develop capacity for families and communities to individuals impacted with FASD with their own communities and bring the prevention conversion into homes
The Four Levels of Prevention
Level 1
Broad awareness building and health promotion efforts community development
Level 2
Discussion of alcohol use and related risks with all women of childbearing years and their support networks
Level 3
Specialized, holistic support of pregnant women with alcohol and other health/social problems
Level 4
Postpartum support for new mothers and support for child assessment and development